Is a multisensorial experience that predicted the future of energy by illustrating that in 50 years we will be able to create energy from our thoughts. This was part of a project between The University of San Andres and the nuclear energy company INVAP, which challenged us to question how we could replace nowadays sources of energy.
The objective of this project was to develop the future scenario of energy in the context of INVAP, an argentinian nuclear energy company based in Bariloche.
We made a thorough investigation within the company to see what the client needed and what was the nuclear energy market like.
Looking at the tendencies of the present we created mood boards that helped us think what would be society like in 2070.
We needed to make a huge jump, we considered that renewable energies will not be enough to support the world. First we need to adapt to nuclear energy, but as a long term solution, we thought of energy generated by our own thoughts. This conclusions were made after we visited INVAP facilities in Bariloche, where we interviewed engineers and energy specialists.
To present this we created an immersive experience called Neurousina, a space that illustrated the creation of energy with the own thoughts of the participants.
We invited 8 users and gave each a pair of bluetooth headphones. The experience consisted of presenting the energy problem the world has today, and transporting them to a future where they could generate power with their minds. While a video experience took place, each user could hear the amount of Neurovolts their thoughts were creating and how that changed the energy presented in the room.
As a result, this project took us to another time where we power our role as individuals without harming the environment. It was made together with Maitena Goñi, Julieta Groshaus and Maia Moreno.