An academic investigation about how information is affecting our self-perception. We portrayed a future scenario and created an object that could be used to solve the negative effects technology is having on society. Who Am I is a gadget that allows the user to know himself by working as storage for memories and as a creator of mindfulness experiences.

This work seeks to investigate the excess of information that is presented to online users and how this impacts on the self-perception of the being. It works with the advantages and disadvantages of unlimited access to information, to pose a scenario in which the lack of personal knowledge influences decision-making, and leaves a computer system to act for the user. Consequently, we created an enchanted object called Who Am I that helps users to know themselves.

We worked with a broad variety of authors that helped us understand how technology is affecting us . This investigation is explained in the following document (link attached).
Who Am I Is the enchanted object we created suitable for the future scenario. The main purpose is to serve as an extra storage for someones memories in addition to their own mind. This is a gadget that people can take with them all the time and turn it on when they consider they are living a particular moment they want to remember. The object has a multi sensorial capacity.

Who Am I?
This object also serves the purpose of administrating and classifying memories for the user. Instead of being overwhelmed by data, this program can select what you need. This can help on decision making processes which are actually biased by algorithms and social media.

Who Am I is able to connect with other gadgets in order to create group mediations useful to power interpersonal relationships. We see connections threatened by the excessive use of technology, to we feel this could be a tool to help people come back from digital reality.
This was a possible meditation we presented. The audience was challenged by the personal questions. The users response was that Who Am I made them travel trough their mind to a space of introspection. It was a challenging project done together with Julieta Newland, Juan Galache Del Toro and Marcela Chediak.